Team Southside JV Football (2023) (44284) Announcements
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Raymour & Flanigan Fundrasier
Stop in to Raymour & Flanigan TODAY Sept 10 between 3:00-5:00pm! You don't need to stay long...stop in and bring a canned good to be donated to St. Susan's Soup Kitchen and the store will donate $500.00 to our team!!! We need 25-30 adults to come. Thank you!! Southside Pride!!!
Updated on
Sep 10 2023

Just a heads up to parents for football make sure to hang out in case of thunder and lightning. We don’t have anywhere to go if bad weather hits. We do practice in the rain but thunder and lighting depending on how long it goes for will cancel practice.
Updated on
Sep 7 2023

League Fundraiser Packet Distribution Friday 8/11
We will be distributing the League Fundraiser Packets on Friday August 11 at the end of practice.
Updated on
Aug 9 2023